The new Total Reload Story Trailer comes with a Release Date update
Release Date: April 9, 2024
Genre: First Person / Physic Puzzle
Developed by: TORSHOCK
Published by: TORSHOCK

Release Date Update
We had to delay the release date of Total Reload on Steam and Epic Games Store to April 9, 2024
in order to have time to conduct open testing of the project. The duration of the game will be almost 10 hours, and the price
will be $19.99 (USD).

To tell the game story, we developed a system for interacting with drawings on the walls. These images contain encrypted text
comments from the protagonist about his past and current situation.
Some comments will even contain references to songs by the rock band Muse and a book by Robert Heinlein. To extract this information,
it's enough to point the decoder cursor at the pictures from a certain distance.

The game has a deep meaning hidden in the sci-fi story. In fact, this project is about how people or other intelligent beings
take on a task of the largest possible scale for them and never give up until they complete it.
The creation of Total Reload became a very large-scale task for us, and in a figurative sense, we can say that our game tells about
us, its developers, alone looking for ways to finish a difficult task. And at the end of development, a real Total Reload will also
happen for us.

For more information and updates visit the official Homepage of TORSHOCK and keep up to date with the development of the Game.
Check out: The official Steampage